If you still have questions, please email us.
What age children can play in this league?
The youngest grades are PreK (kindergarten) and Pre1A. In case your school uses different titles, it's the grade before first grade, and the grade before that. The oldest grade in the main league is 8th grade.
What are the dates of the games?
The games are set to start in mid or late March and will end mid-June. Our goal is always to play. A light drizzle won't stop the games. We always aim to play 10-12 games.
What time are the games? What days?
Our games are primarily on Sundays. Preschool games are at 11:00 AM, 1st & 2nd grades at 2:00, 3rd & 4th at 3:30 and 5th/6th/7th at 5:00. Our soccer schedule is staggered so that diehard players can sign up for little league AND soccer. These times are not guaranteed as they can change based on which grades have more children signed up. However, it's very likely that these times will not change.
In case of rainouts, we will host weeknight makeup games when possible. Your team may also have some weeknight practices with their coach.
Where are the games?
All games are either at the #2 School or Lawrence Middle School.
Do I need to attend every game?
In grades PreK and Pre1A, yes. These kids love having parents (and especially grandparents) at the games. In grade one and up, you do not need to attend the game (feel free to volunteer as a coach!). If you are staying for the game, please make sure to act with derech eretz and keep things positive!
How do I sponsor a team or an award?
Our sponsorship opportunities are pretty awesome. There are limited sponsorships available, ranging from teams to awards. Please contact us for more details. Your money goes straight to our scholarship fund and helping children join the league who otherwise could not.
What equipment does my child need?
Your son needs a baseball mitt that is age appropriate. It’s not a bad idea to get him a bat that he likes, and some of the boys love batting gloves (totally not necessary). Please clearly label all equipment so we can return it when he leaves it at the field.
Should I offer to coach? How much work is it?
If you're a good coach, then you certainly should - we give a lot of special perks to the coaches! Coaching is a commitment. Do not volunteer unless you know the game well, are good with kids, have a drive to compete, and are willing to spend some time. Some of the perks can include getting to pick a player besides your son (conditions apply), and the admiration and respect of all the kids on your team (and their parents). We have some special additional perks up our proverbial sleeves such as free Mets tickets for every coach and more!
What happens if there’s bad weather or other issues?
Unfortunately, we still aren’t able to control the weather. If it’s absolutely pouring on Sunday morning, we’ll usually have to cancel since the fields will be muddy. Please do NOT email us asking if we’re playing or giving us helpful suggestions. We speak to the district and the county and we must follow their leads. If the weather is horrible, we will cancel earlier; if it’s a light drizzle, we’ll wait it out. We just want the kids to play. As soon as we make a decision, it’ll be emailed to everyone and put on the website. Our goal is always to play. Please don't email the league asking if we're going to play, or telling us it's going to rain (or that it's raining).
My son really wants to be with his friend. What can I do?
We do not allow friend requests in the league. I’m sure you can understand the nightmare that would result from having hundreds of kids requesting their friends (while we're trying to keep teams fair). Your best option is to offer to coach so you can pick a boy besides your son. We understand that there are specific reasons (new in the neighborhood, bullying issues, scheduling conflicts and more), and you can always email the league and ask. However, it's very difficult for us to make it work. If you do decide to ask, be sure to include the name, grade, current team, and requested team, and make your subject "Team Request".
I have more questions.
Please e-mail us at [email protected]. We try to get back to everyone within a reasonable amount of time.
The youngest grades are PreK (kindergarten) and Pre1A. In case your school uses different titles, it's the grade before first grade, and the grade before that. The oldest grade in the main league is 8th grade.
What are the dates of the games?
The games are set to start in mid or late March and will end mid-June. Our goal is always to play. A light drizzle won't stop the games. We always aim to play 10-12 games.
What time are the games? What days?
Our games are primarily on Sundays. Preschool games are at 11:00 AM, 1st & 2nd grades at 2:00, 3rd & 4th at 3:30 and 5th/6th/7th at 5:00. Our soccer schedule is staggered so that diehard players can sign up for little league AND soccer. These times are not guaranteed as they can change based on which grades have more children signed up. However, it's very likely that these times will not change.
In case of rainouts, we will host weeknight makeup games when possible. Your team may also have some weeknight practices with their coach.
Where are the games?
All games are either at the #2 School or Lawrence Middle School.
Do I need to attend every game?
In grades PreK and Pre1A, yes. These kids love having parents (and especially grandparents) at the games. In grade one and up, you do not need to attend the game (feel free to volunteer as a coach!). If you are staying for the game, please make sure to act with derech eretz and keep things positive!
How do I sponsor a team or an award?
Our sponsorship opportunities are pretty awesome. There are limited sponsorships available, ranging from teams to awards. Please contact us for more details. Your money goes straight to our scholarship fund and helping children join the league who otherwise could not.
What equipment does my child need?
Your son needs a baseball mitt that is age appropriate. It’s not a bad idea to get him a bat that he likes, and some of the boys love batting gloves (totally not necessary). Please clearly label all equipment so we can return it when he leaves it at the field.
Should I offer to coach? How much work is it?
If you're a good coach, then you certainly should - we give a lot of special perks to the coaches! Coaching is a commitment. Do not volunteer unless you know the game well, are good with kids, have a drive to compete, and are willing to spend some time. Some of the perks can include getting to pick a player besides your son (conditions apply), and the admiration and respect of all the kids on your team (and their parents). We have some special additional perks up our proverbial sleeves such as free Mets tickets for every coach and more!
What happens if there’s bad weather or other issues?
Unfortunately, we still aren’t able to control the weather. If it’s absolutely pouring on Sunday morning, we’ll usually have to cancel since the fields will be muddy. Please do NOT email us asking if we’re playing or giving us helpful suggestions. We speak to the district and the county and we must follow their leads. If the weather is horrible, we will cancel earlier; if it’s a light drizzle, we’ll wait it out. We just want the kids to play. As soon as we make a decision, it’ll be emailed to everyone and put on the website. Our goal is always to play. Please don't email the league asking if we're going to play, or telling us it's going to rain (or that it's raining).
My son really wants to be with his friend. What can I do?
We do not allow friend requests in the league. I’m sure you can understand the nightmare that would result from having hundreds of kids requesting their friends (while we're trying to keep teams fair). Your best option is to offer to coach so you can pick a boy besides your son. We understand that there are specific reasons (new in the neighborhood, bullying issues, scheduling conflicts and more), and you can always email the league and ask. However, it's very difficult for us to make it work. If you do decide to ask, be sure to include the name, grade, current team, and requested team, and make your subject "Team Request".
I have more questions.
Please e-mail us at [email protected]. We try to get back to everyone within a reasonable amount of time.